6 January 2021 | National activities, News & Events
The Russian Aniridia Centre has developed and published the brochure Congenital aniridia and related syndromes. Treatment and prevention. It includes data from geneticists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, neuro-psychologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, vaccine specialists, special needs therapists about this condition, as well as recommendations about the treatment and prevention of aniridia associated disorders.
28 December 2020 | AE, News & Events
The application entitled ‘Aniridia – novel therapeutic tools to treat or prevent progressive corneal opacification (AAK-INSIGHT)’ was submitted by a consortium of researchers from several countries, led by Prof. Neil Lagali (Linköping University, Sweden) and Prof. Daniel Aberdam (CNRS, Biologie, Inserm-Technion, France).
21 June 2020 | AE, News & Events
Today is our day, a day to raise awareness on our rare disorder. We have to raise our voices to go out of the darkness, to draw attention to the doctors and the policy makers. Aniridia Europe celebrates this day supporting aniridia research. This is why three aniridia...
6 June 2020 | AE, News & Events
In this year 2020, the pandemic is affecting all activities all around the world, but the aniridia community will not give up celebrating the International Aniridia Day on June 21st. There will be webinars in English and international campaigns that can be joined by...
19 March 2020 | AE, News & Events
The COST Action CA18116 – Aniridia: networking to address an unmet medical, scientific, and societal challenge is progressing in its action of creating networks among aniridia scientists, sharing information and experiences, exploring new lines of research and...
1 March 2020 | AE, News & Events
The meeting includes a plenary session for all participants, a session reserved to the Management Committee members and many parallel sessions for the 6 Working Groups focused on the different topics related to aniridia research, therapies and clinical management...