14 July 2021 | National activities, News & Events
For the celebration of the International Aniridia day there has been 2 meetings in the form of a QnA session. between doctors of the Russian Aniridia Centre and Russian speaking families with Aniridia and WAGR syndrome. On 21st June the questions where answered by...
14 July 2021 | National activities, News & Events
Upskilling Re Charity Involvement May 2021 saw me complete “The Certificate in Charity Law Trusteeship and Governance” at the Law Society Ireland and other courses at the Wheel. Medical Professionals with involvement in Aniridia practicing in Ireland Prof Keegan, at...
14 July 2021 | National activities, News & Events
Hey, my name is Alma Akerlie and I have written a book titled «Høy måloppnåelse» (Achieving high goals). The book is about my experiences in high school. I am giving advices on how to do good in school and hopefully spreading some motivation and joy. I am also writing...
13 July 2021 | National activities, News & Events
In 2021, GÊNIRIS finance two research projects on aniridia with pediatric glaucoma (Pr Brémond-Gignac at Necker Hospital in Paris) and on artificial limbal niche (Pr Borderie at CHNO des 15 20 in Paris). To continue to help the research development in 2022, GÊNIRIS...
19 June 2021 | National activities, News & Events
The association Aniridia Italiana APS has organised, with the collaboration of the “Omero” (Homerus) National Tactile Museum in Ancona (Marche, Italy), the exhibition: “AniridiaX: superheroes with black eyes and a coloured heart” on 19th and 20th June 2021...
25 April 2021 | AE, National activities, News & Events
In Italy, a group of young adults with aniridia decided to do something more for their friends. In June 2020 they built a team composed by 4 young ladies and 2 young men who began to publish posts on social networks, creating funny digital events, promoting and...