Take part in international Aniridia Day on 21 June 2018!
After last year’s great success, the International Aniridia Day Committee is organizing more activities in 2018. You are invited, for example, to propose and participate in webinars on June 21 with the objective to promote a better understanding of aniridia, to...A €2.5 million project on aniridia funded at the University of Saarland, in Germany
Aniridia Europe is pleased to share the news sent by Prof. Barbara Käsmann-Kellner of the University of Saarland, in Germany. The Schwiete Stiftung consortium, a charity donor, will support the University of Saarland with 2.5 Million Euros. The Department of...4th European Conference on Aniridia, Paris, August 25-26th 2018
Aniridia Europe, Gêniris and OPHTARA (Reference Center for Rare Diseases in Ophthalmology, Paris) are pleased to announce the upcoming 4th European Conference on Aniridia, which will be held on 25th-26th August 2018 in Paris, France. The programme for professionals...Prof. Bremond-Gignac´s statement on Rare Diseases Day
ShowYourRareShowYourCare #ShowYourRare As a physician-researcher who care patients affected by a rare disease, such as aniridia, rare pathologies of iris and cornea, we must make it more visible, well known and better understood. We must support associations and...Aniridia Europe at ESA 2017
The annual conference of the European Strabismological Association in Alfandega do Porto. Once again Albinism Europe and Aniridia Europe were sharing a common stand.