Aniridia Europe is recruiting volunteers to be directors, to lead and carry out its activities for the next 2 years. Fill in the form linked at the bottom of this page by the end of 7 June to apply for one of the 9 postions.

It’s an important and exciting role where you can influence the support provided to aniridia researchers, doctors, associations and patients, across Europe and beyond. Together the directors discuss issues and take decisions about what the organisation does. They also often do the tasks agreed, for example: liaising with doctors, running events and fundraising.

These activities take place mainly in English and online, so being comfortable with both of these is important. Directors need good critical thinking, administration and communications skills. As volunteers they need to have time, enthusiasm and dedication to the objectives of Aniridia Europe.

If this sounds like and interests you follow the process below. If you would like to discuss or find out more about the expectations, browse our website and contact

Candidates for directors must be part of and nominated by one of Aniridia Europe’s full member aniridia associations. Each association may only nominate one person from among its individual members.

The tenures of all the current directors will end soon. To continue as directors they also need to follow the process below.

Nomination process

  1. Fill in this form in English. The main questions have a maximum character limit of 1500.
    If you would prefer to give verbal answers to the main questions, contact to arrange an interview online or in person at the European Aniridia Conference in Stockholm.
  2. If you were not a Aniridia Euorpe Director 2022-2023, we will invite you to an online video interview as soon as possible. Email to tell us your availability. 
  3. Get another official from the committee of your aniridia association to email by end of 9 June including he following text to confirm that you “are suitable to be a director of an organisation, are a member of the association and its nominee to be an Aniridia Europe director 2024-2026.”
  4. The Nominating Committee will review the applications, interviews and nominations of candidates. 
    Around 17 June, it will make recommendations to the General Assembly on who it believes are the suitable and best candidates to be board members.
    It will also recommend who should take the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary roles.
    The application texts and interview notes will also be provided to the General Assembly members to be transparent and help assocaitions chooose how their representative should vote.
    If there are candidates that are rejected or not (fully) considered by the Nominating Committee, their names and status will be explained to the voters.
  5. On Monday 8th July 2024 at 17.00 CEST,  the Aniridia Europe General Assembly will vote to appoint a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and up to 5 other directors to serve until the next General Assembly in 2026. It will also appoint a new nominations committee.   
    The voters will be one representative from each of the aniridia associations that are full members of Aniridia Europe. 

Nominating Committee 

This consists of volunteers from European aniridia associations appointed by the General Assembly in 2022. Currently this is:

  • Corrado Teofili from Italy (Chairperson), 
  • James Buller from the UK, 
  • Sølvi Ørstenvik from Norway.  

They will make decisions by majority vote. 

To start the nomination proces answer the questions in the form.

Please consider that:

  • You may prefer to draft answers offline then copy the text into the form. 
  • You will receive an email copy of your answers.
  • You will be able to edit your answer after submitting