This year again the aniridia community will not give up celebrating the International Aniridia Day on June 21st.

In the past year we have learned how to cope with all the restrictions we are still experiencing because of the pandemics, we have found new ways of keeping in touch and we have gone forward in our search for improving the quality of life of people with aniridia.

Here below some of the activities Aniridia Europe is organising and promoting on Aniridia Day.

First, we invite you to watch the video Breaking barriers – Aniridia Day 2021, created in collaboration with a young influencer, Brooke Kuehl, and to share with us your vision on how you break down barriers in your life.

The webinar Breaking barriers with aniridia, on Sunday 20th June 2021, will focus on showing that an important part of a visually impaired person’s life path is learning how to move past barriers, how to think “outside the box” and use perseverance and creativity to achieve objectives.

We are going to meet three young guys, Alejandro, Andrea and Lorenzo who have great stories to tell us about their own way to break barriers in life, to inspire all of us and make us understand that everyone can find his/her own resources and strategies to be able to say “I have, I can, and I will”.

Associations are invited to make a 2-minutes video on their significant achievements since June 21th, 2020 till June 21st 2021. The videos will be published on Aniridia Europe YouTube channel and will give us inspiration for future achievements and activities.

On June 21st, at 18,00 CET, there will be the webinar Managing aniridia: dos and don’ts from infancy to adulthood, organised in collaboration with the COST Action Aniridia-Net.

The speakers Prof. Dominique Brémond Gignac (University Necker-Enfants malades Hospital, Paris, France) and Prof. Barbara Käsmann-Kellner (University of Saarland, Homburg/Saar, Germany) will address the most relevant topics on the management of congenital aniridia. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn!

Other events and calls to action are being organized by the national associations in different countries in their national languages. Don’t forget to check Aniridia Europe’s website and the social networks’ pages, as well as the national associations’ websites and media channels.

Aniridia Europe invites you to actively participate and promote participation to these celebrations, to strengthen our community, to raise awareness on aniridia and to advocate for a better care and quality of life for all of us.